4 Best No-Pull Dog Harnesses to Stop Pulling on Leash

White dog wearing a no-pull dog harness and leash

If your dog is pulling on leash, you can utilize training as well as adding a no-pull dog harness, Halti, or Gentle Leader.

Leash-pulling is not only annoying and potentially dangerous for the person, but it also can be harmful to the dog. Dogs can sustain injuries to their spine, front legs, and more from forceful pulling on leash; wearing a harness can help prevent those problems.  

Military Pet Fostering and Rehoming Resources

Silhouette of dog and his person, a woman serving in the military

Members of the military may or may not be able to take their pets with them on deployment. Be sure to check with your commander about pet-friendly housing arrangements, and the base veterinarian can help determine whether your pet will need vaccines or other care prior to moving. There is a wealth of information about transporting pets, quarantine rules in various countries, and other military pet travel tips on PetTravel.com.

Kids and Pets: Families with Children Adopting a Dog, Cat or Other Animal

Girl and her dog in bed. There are kids and pets considerations to keep everyone safe and happy.

We surround our children with images of animals from the day they are born. We decorate nurseries with stuffed puppies and penguins and hang mobiles with dangling bears and bunnies over cribs. There are animals on the wallpaper; sometimes we even paint animal murals.

Cat and Dog Arthritis: Integrative Treatment Options

Dog who is receiving arthritis treatment playing with a ball

Just like humans, dogs and cats can suffer from painful arthritis in their joints, particularly as they become seniors. Besides medication, there are multiple integrative arthritis treatment options you can implement to help minimize a pet’s discomfort. Here are a few treatments to consider for cat and dog arthritis.

How to Use Humane Cat Traps for TNVR

White-and-black feral cat is standing among bushes and meowing. Humane cat traps for TNVR are important to caring for outdoor cats like this one.

The following are guidelines recommended by Best Friends Animal Society for trapping community cats (often referred to as free-roaming, stray, and feral cats) for the purpose of trap-neuter-vaccinate-return (TNVR). Specific instructions for how to trap feral cats might be slightly different depending on the type of humane cat trap that you are using.

How to Start an Animal Rescue Group

two dogs with a couple who run their own small animal rescue group

Are you an animal lover who's interested in starting your own animal welfare organization? This comprehensive guide includes a plan for how to start an animal rescue group, including writing a mission statement, setting goals, establishing a board of directors, defining policies, rallying public support, and more.

The Best Parrot Diet (and Toxic Foods to Avoid)

Maxine the parrot eats some of her parrot food from a person's hand

Parrot diets should consist of a combination of a high-quality pellet and fresh foods. Contrary to popular belief, most parrots should not be fed seed mixes. Small bird species, such as budgie parakeets or cockatiels, can have a mixture of high-quality seed and pellets because of their high metabolism and energy expenditure. But seed is not appropriate for larger species, such as Amazons, greys, macaws, and cockatoos, because they do not provide enough healthy nutrients.

Cat Ringworm: Signs, Spread, Diagnosis, Treatment

headshot of a white cat with ringworm

Ringworm in cats is a very common contagious skin infection — and it’s not actually a worm at all. The medical term for ringworm infection is dermatophytosis (derm means “skin” and phytosis means “an infection or a disease caused by a parasitic plant”). Ringworm is a fungus that infects the skin, fur, and/or nails of cats, dogs, and even humans. It’s called “ringworm” because the typical skin lesions in humans (and in some animals) can appear as a circular patch of hair loss with crusting in the shape of a worm.