How to Respect Your Cat/What Our Cats Actually Want From Us

Person's arm playing with a wand toy with a cat who is standing on his back legs to reach it

While we strive every day to show our cats how much we love them, let’s provide them with what they actually want. Here are some helpful tips to indulge our beloved cats while catering to their unique preferences. Follow these three tips and you’ll create an even stronger bond with your cat that will last a lifetime.

How to Help Shy Cats

Cat hiding in a nook within a cat tree

Shelter environments are often stressful for cats, causing many of them to shut down and become nervous around people and other animals. Sometimes all they need is a quiet home and space to themselves! Here are lots of tips on how to help shy cats become confident and comfortable.

Why is My Cat Not Using The Litter Box? Part 3: Stress

Tabby and white cat with wide eyes

When your cat doesn’t use the litter box, they’re trying to tell you something is wrong in their life. Once you’ve taken them to the vet, if the vet determines that the reason for the inappropriate elimination is not medical, you can begin the cat behavior detective work.

One reason they may not be using the box is because of stress in their lives. It’s our job to figure out what’s stressing them out and either remove it or help them see it as something positive.

This is part 3 in a series on litter box issues!