Why is my cat not using the litter box? Part 4: Other cats

One cat exiting a litter box while another cat watches

When your cat doesn’t use the litter box, they’re trying to tell you something is wrong in their life. Once you’ve taken them to the vet and they determine that the cause for inappropriate elimination is not medical, then you can begin the cat behavior detective work.

One reason they may not be using the box consistently is due to stress from other cats. The tips in this video should help if this is the case!This is part 4 in a series on litter box issues and tips!

What Is a Community Cat (Feral or Stray Cat)?

Tabby-and-white community cat lying on a fence with trees behind him

If you see a cat outdoors, the cat could be stray, feral, or free-roaming. Those terms are often used interchangeably by the general public when referring to cats who live outdoors. At Best Friends Animal Society, we like to call these outdoor cats “community cats” because they are valued members of our community and are often cared for by community members.

The different types of community cats whom you might see outdoors are described below, along with the different ways to care for cats in your community.

What Is a Working Cat?

a calico working cat with a tipped ear sitting on a beam in a warehouse with boxes behind her

When community cats — i.e., cats who live outdoors and are sometimes cared for by community members — are unable to be returned to their previous outdoor home and aren't good candidates for traditional adoption programs, they might become what we lovingly call "working cats." They're part of a group of community cats who don't live in homes as pet cats.