Outdoor Catio Ideas: What You Need to Know

White cat enjoying time in an outdoor catio or cattery

A catio is an outdoor enclosure for cats. Cats love to spend time in the fresh air and watch birds, bugs, and other animals. And a catio — sometimes referred to as a cattery — provides a way for an indoor cat to enjoy the outdoors without the danger of being attacked by another animal, struck by a car, lost, or stolen. Outdoor catio ideas are wide-ranging. Catios can be made with a variety of materials and constructed in a range of shapes and sizes. They can be free-standing or attached to a house or garage, inexpensive or higher end, plain or fancy, bought or built.

Why Is My Cat Shy Around Strangers? Tips for Anxious Cats

This gray-and-white cat is shy around strangers, but he gets over his fear more quickly now.

Cats can be shy around strangers for several reasons. A common reason is lack of experience with visitors when the cats were kittens. If cats were not introduced to different people during their socialization period (2 to 7 weeks old), they might be more apprehensive around strangers as adults. Additionally, the arrival of visitors is often accompanied by other seemingly scary things, such as knocking, large packages, or loud noises — which can result in anxious cats.

Cat Not Using Litter Box: Causes and Solutions

White-and-black cat is sitting with his person. As a kitten, this cat wasn't using the litter box, but the problem has since been fixed.

Is your cat not using the litter box? Cats stop using their litter boxes for a variety of reasons — including issues with the box or litter, dissatisfaction with the placement or number of boxes, changes in the environment inside or outside the house (e.g., a new pet in the house), and undiagnosed medical conditions. You might have to investigate several possibilities before you understand what your cat is trying to tell you, but most issues are easy to remedy to get your cat using the litter box again.

Cat Hair Loss: Causes and Treatment

Orange tabby, who is experiencing some cat hair loss, licking his paw

Should I be concerned if my cat is losing hair? Cat hair loss (alopecia) can occur for many different reasons, and identifying what's behind a cat's loss of fur can take some work. Learn more about why your cat's hair is falling out and how to treat cat hair loss.

Cat Behavior Modification: Desensitization and Counterconditioning

Tuxedo cat whose person used cat behavior modification to calm his anxiety

Cats can be frightened or stressed by all sorts of things that happen in or around a home. Fortunately, the cat behavior modification techniques of desensitization and counterconditioning can help your feline to be happier and more well-adjusted. These terms may sound technical, but the techniques themselves are user-friendly. Here are some FAQs about cat behavior modification.

Caring for an Incontinent Cat

Lucy, an incontinent cat, lying next to a rainbow toy

Bringing an incontinent cat into your home can be a wonderful and rewarding experience. The level of care needed varies widely, as does the level of messiness, so learning about the needs of an individual cat with incontinence is key to making a decision about adopting. 

Please reach out to your veterinarian before beginning any treatments for cat incontinence, including bladder or bowel expression. The information below can help you provide the best care possible for your cat.