Stomatitis in Cats: Signs and Treatment of Feline Dental Disease

gray-and-white tabby cat lying with head on paws

Stomatitis in cats is a feline dental disease that results in inflammation of the mucosal tissues of the mouth. It is closely related to gingivitis, which is inflammation of the gums along the base of the teeth. Learn some of the signs of stomatitis in cats, as well as how to treat this feline dental disease.

Humane Pet Sales Laws by State

A smiling beagle whose tongue is out

Humane pet sales laws are an effective way to put the squeeze on commercial breeding operations — i.e., puppy mills and kitten mills. These laws prevent pet stores from selling puppies and kittens from breeding mills, which shrinks the market for inhumanely bred pets to be sold. 

The following is a list of the jurisdictions in North America that have enacted such legislation. To view the full list in chronological order, click here.

Pet Spay and Neuter FAQs

Two dogs who have been spayed. Spaying or neutering is important for all pets.

Spaying and neutering is one of the greatest gifts you can provide your pet, your family, and your community. These routine medical procedures not only help control pet overpopulation, but they may also prevent medical and behavioral problems from developing, allowing your pet to lead a longer, healthier and happier life.

Dog Spay/Neuter Benefits and What to Expect

Neutered dog running with rope toy

There are many benefits when you spay or neuter a dog. The routine medical procedure not only helps minimize the number of homeless pets who end up in shelters, but it also can allow dogs to lead longer, healthier, and happier lives. Here are some FAQs about dog spay/neuter.

What is spaying/neutering for dogs?

Spaying is the surgical removal of a female dog’s ovaries and uterus, while neutering is the removal of a male dog’s testicles. Both operations are conducted routinely with few complications, but only licensed veterinarians are allowed to perform them.

Humane Outdoor Cat Deterrents

three cats lying together on a blanket

Free-roaming and feral cats (or community cats as we like to call them) live in our communities and make their homes wherever they can find food and shelter. While some people in the community may help care for these cats, others can legitimately feel that the cats are a nuisance because they eliminate in their gardens, yowl at night, or spray smelly urine. 

Smelly Dog: Why Does My Dog Stink?

Man scrunching up his face after smelling a stinky dog

Veterinarians often get asked: “Why does my dog smell so bad?” People frequently place blame for a stinky dog on themselves, thinking they aren't caring for their pets properly. But in fact, there can be several reasons why some dogs smell bad — even after a bath — and some are related to the dog's health.

Shy Dogs and Cats: How to Help Timid Pets

A shy tabby cat

“Shy” is a word that many people use to describe dogs and cats who are fearful. Most often this “shyness” is a fear of strangers, but it can also be fear of new places, being handled, sudden movements or noises, other dogs or cats — or just about anything unfamiliar. The severity can range from mild (fear of a certain type of person) to very severe (fear of so many things that the animal is under constant stress).

Shelter Dog Won't Go Back in Run

This shepherd mix is more interested in playing with his ball than going back in his crate.

A common scenario at shelters everywhere: You’ve taken a dog out of his run for a bit and now it’s time for him to go back in. The dog puts on his brakes, tries to back out of his collar, lies down and won’t move. You try to pull him and he starts to growl. What to do?

First, don’t get into a physical fight with a dog because you may both be injured. Here are some ways to help him feel better about going back into his run: